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Made in Perm

Основная идея проекта Made in Perm состоит в продвижении известных пермских брендов, продуктов и торговых марок. Первая презентация проекта состоялась 25 июля в отеле УРАЛ. Более 20 издательств города представили свою книжную и сувенирную продукцию о Перми и Пермском крае, а гости смогли познакомиться  и приобрести уникальные издания, выпущенные за последние два года.  Кроме традиционной выставки, организаторы предложили публике книжное дефиле, сопровождающееся показом книг и аннотацией каждого издания.

Вторая часть презентации была в более неформальной форме и проходила в ресторане «Строгановская вотчина». Ресторан «Строгановская вотчина» известен в Перми своей уникальной прикамской кухней, построенной на традиционных рецептах. В ресторане можно заказать старинные и редкие кушанья: потрошки в ржаных туесочках, похлебку по-строгановски, перепечи, колдуны и пельмени с щукой. Настоящим хитом является петровский квас с хреном, а также вкуснейшие посикунчики - любимое лакомство завсегдатаев ресторана.

Хорошей компанией к изысканным кушаньям «Строгановской вотчины» стала водка «Градус блэк» -  лучшая водка 2009 года. Эту награду  в номинациях «Открытие года» компании ПЕРМАЛКО вручали в Третьяковской галерее.

И, наконец, изысканный десерт в конце презентации - КОНФЕКТОРИЯ. Пожалуй, это самые вкусные конфеты кондитерской фабрики Пермская. 

У этих конфет почти вековая история.  Придуманы они были в первом десятилетии ХХ века, а изготовлены - в первом десятилетии ХХI. Создал их Владимир Судоплатов - основатель кондитерской фабрики в Перми, первый на Урале и в Сибири «шоколатье». Он же дал им имя  «Конфектория». В составе этих конфет - горький шоколад, орехи, кунжут.

Проект Made in Perm продолжит знакомить с пермскими продуктами и проектами в рамках Фестиваля KAMWA-2009. К презентации готовится проект пермской электронной музыки и современной одежды  в стиле ЭКО.

Made in Perm

The main purpose of the project Made in Perm is to promote the famous perm brands, products and trade labels. The first presentation of the project took place on June, 25 in the hotel Ural. More than 20 publishing houses presented their books and souvenir production devoted to the Perm Region to the guests, who could buy the unique issues of the last two years. Beside the traditional exposition the programme included the book show with a brief description of each issue.

The second part of the presentation was informal and took place in the restaurant «Stroganovskaya Votchina». The restaurant «Stroganovskaya Votchina» is famous for its ethnic cuisine, based on the receipts of the Kama Region peoples. In the restaurant one can order ancient and rare viands: broth «Po-stroganovsky», perepechi (a kind of overbaked bread), kolduni (a kind of pelmeni) and pelmeni with pike. The hits of the menu are kvass (the juice made of bread) with horseradish and the delicious posikunchiki - the favourite dainty of the guests of the restaurant.

Vodka «Gradus Black» became the best party for the tasty dishes of the restaurant «Stroganovskaya Votchina». It had been recognized as the best vodka-2009 in the nomination «Breakthrough of the Year». The company PERMALKO, the producer of the «Gradus Black», had received this award in the State Tretyakov Gallery.

In the end an exquisite dessert CONFECTORIA was presented! Perhaps, it's the tastiest sweets of the Permskaya confectionery plant.

These sweets have a century-long history. They had been invented at the beginning of the 20-th century and cooked - only in the beginning of the 21-st. Their father is Vladimir Sudoplatov - the founder of a confectionery plant in Perm, the first «chocolatier» in Ural and Siberia. He have given the sweets their name Confectoria. Their main ingredients are bitter chocolate, nuts and sesame.

The project Made in Perm will continue to introduce the Perm products and projects during the Festival Kamwa-2009. At the moment the projects of perm electronic music and modern ECO-clothes are being prepared for the presentation.

Yin and Yang of Perm
During the Festival the guests and participants will have a chance to get acquainted with the masterpieces of the brightest artists of Perm. The non-governmental organization Kamwa together with the MARIS art-gallery will hold the two exhibitions.

The first one called KOLOVERT (whirlpool) will include the works of Mikhail Pavlukhevich, Aleksey Balmasov, Vladislav Dyogtev and will take place in the art-club of the Ural Hotel. At the same time the second exhibition of decorative and applied arts VOLSHEBSTVO (magic, fortune-telling) will be held in the MARIS art-gallery. Olga Subbotina, Natalya Korchemkina and Inna Rogova will «tell fortunes» there.

Made in Perm

The main purpose of the project Made in Perm is to promote the famous perm brands, products and trade labels. The first presentation of the project took place on June, 25 in the hotel Ural. More than 20 publishing houses presented their books and souvenir production devoted to the Perm Region to the guests, who could buy the unique issues of the last two years. Beside the traditional exposition the programme included the book show with a brief description of each issue.

The second part of the presentation was informal and took place in the restaurant «Stroganovskaya Votchina». The restaurant «Stroganovskaya Votchina» is famous for its ethnic cuisine, based on the receipts of the Kama Region peoples. In the restaurant one can order ancient and rare viands: broth «Po-stroganovsky», perepechi (a kind of overbaked bread), kolduni (a kind of pelmeni) and pelmeni with pike. The hits of the menu are kvass (the juice made of bread) with horseradish and the delicious posikunchiki - the favourite dainty of the guests of the restaurant.

Vodka «Gradus Black» became the best party for the tasty dishes of the restaurant «Stroganovskaya Votchina». It had been recognized as the best vodka-2009 in the nomination «Breakthrough of the Year». The company PERMALKO, the producer of the «Gradus Black», had received this award in the State Tretyakov Gallery.

In the end an exquisite dessert CONFECTORIA was presented! Perhaps, it's the tastiest sweets of the Permskaya confectionery plant.

These sweets have a century-long history. They had been invented at the beginning of the 20-th century and cooked - only in the beginning of the 21-st. Their father is Vladimir Sudoplatov - the founder of a confectionery plant in Perm, the first «chocolatier» in Ural and Siberia. He have given the sweets their name Confectoria. Their main ingredients are bitter chocolate, nuts and sesame.

The project Made in Perm will continue to introduce the Perm products and projects during the Festival Kamwa-2009. At the moment the projects of perm electronic music and modern ECO-clothes are being prepared for the presentation.

Yin and Yang of Perm
During the Festival the guests and participants will have a chance to get acquainted with the masterpieces of the brightest artists of Perm. The non-governmental organization Kamwa together with the MARIS art-gallery will hold the two exhibitions.

The first one called KOLOVERT (whirlpool) will include the works of Mikhail Pavlukhevich, Aleksey Balmasov, Vladislav Dyogtev and will take place in the art-club of the Ural Hotel. At the same time the second exhibition of decorative and applied arts VOLSHEBSTVO (magic, fortune-telling) will be held in the MARIS art-gallery. Olga Subbotina, Natalya Korchemkina and Inna Rogova will «tell fortunes» there.

ИНЬ и ЯН Перми
В рамках фестиваля гости и участники имеют возможность познакомиться с произведениями искусства самых ярких художников Перми. Совместно с Арт-галереей Марис будут представлены две параллельные выставки.

В фестивальном клубе отеля Урал откроется выставка КОЛОВЕРТЬ (водоворот), в которой примут участие художники Михаил Павлюкевич, Алексей Балмасов, Владислав Дёгтев. Одновременно в  Арт-галерее Марис начнет работать выставка декоративно-прикладного искусства ВОЛШЕСТВО (ворожба).  Ворожить будут Ольга Субботина, Наталья Корчемкина и Инна Рогова.

о проекте







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